Abstract Detail

Nº613/2134 - A preliminary palynological study of wild and naturalized vascular plants from the western Andean mountains in the Cotopaxi Provin
Format: ORAL
Jaime Lema1, 2, Sergio Javier Andrango Guayasamn1, Alba Liliana Maay Chimborazo1, Caizapanta Guamn Leslie Mercedes1
1 Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Technical University of Cotopaxi, Latacunga, Ecuador 2 Departamento de Biología y Geología, Centro Andaluz para la Evaluación y Seguimiento del Cambio Global (CAESCG), Universidad de Almería 04120 Almería, Spain.
Little is known about palynological information on wild or naturalized species present in the western mountain range in Ecuador. This research compared palynological diversity at three altitudinal levels in the Western Andean Cordillera of Cotopaxi province: evergreen foothill forests (BsPn01) at 300-1400 m, low montane forest (BsBsn04) at 1400-2000 m and montane forest (BsMn03) at 2000-3100 m. Pollen morphology found in this preliminary study of 9 genera in 9 families of vascular plants was mainly perprolate, monoporate and with pollen grain sizes between 26.9 m and 134 m. Pollen observed in the range 300-1400 m belongs to: 1) Sambucus sp. (Adoxaceae): 26.9 m, perprolate and monoporate; 2) Guzmania sp. (Bromeliaceae): 53.7 µm, perprolate and bicolpate; 3) Gasteranthus sp. (Gesneriaceae): 17.9 µm, perprolate and monoporate; and 4) Hibiscus rosa-sinensis (naturalized, Malvaceae): 17.9 µm, perprolate and monoporate. Pollen observed in the range 1400-2000 m belongs to: 1) Cavendishia (Ericaceae): 53.7 µm in length, perprolate and monoporate; 2) Columnea sp. 1 (Gesneriaceae): 53.7 µm in length, subprolate and tricolporate; 3) Salvia sp. 1 (Lamiaceae): 134 µm long, and perprolate; 3) Oxalis sp. 1 (Oxalidaceae): 26.9 µm in length and monocolpate; and 4) Guzmania sp. 1: see previous description. Pollen observed in the range 2000-3100 m belongs to: 1) Calceolaria tripartita (Calceolariaceae): 134 µm, long and bicolporate; 2) Salvia sp. 2 (Lamiaceae): 134 µm in length and shape and openings not identifiable; 3) Oxalis sp. 1: see previous description and 4) Guzmania sp. 1: see previous description. The same species of Guzmania (Bromeliaceae) was present in the three altitudinal levels and Oxalis, Cavendishia, and Salvia were found in the two upper altitudinal levels (1400 to 3100 m). These preliminary results need  identification of the genera to species and verification and reconfirmation of the pollen grain characteristics.