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Newsletter 14 - April 2024

Scientific program!

Dear Colleagues and Friends, we remind you that the Scientific Program is available since April 3. You can either check on the days and symposium sessions here to find out the symposia and invited speakers, or you can search the program here, for words in the title of symposia or oral communications, and for presenting authors.

Visit the program Search the program

Abstract editing!

We would like to inform you that the deadline for editing abstracts (either posters or talks) will be May 2. Until this date you can still make changes by accessing your private area. The final version available on May 3 will be used to prepare the book of abstracts.

Private area

Full Excursion Offer!

All seventeen IBC excursions are now available! Do not miss this opportunity. Both pre- and post-meeting excursions are offered, visiting biodiversity hotspots in the Iberian Peninsula, Balearic and Canary Islands, and North Africa, as well as cultural sites. Book now - space is limited.

Click here to book an excursion!
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