Scientific Area
Abstract Detail
Nº613/769 - Local involvement for endemic floristic species conservation : case study of the Kirindy forest Morondava - Madagascar
Format: ORAL
Andriaharimalala T 1,Ramakarison N. G. 2,Razanamaro O. H. M. 3
1: Centre National de recherches sur l'Environnement, Ministère de l'Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche Scientifique, Madagascar
2: Centre National de Formation, d'Etudes et de Recherche sur l'Environnement et la Foresterie, Ministère de l'Environnement et du Développement Durable, Madagascar
3: Parc Botanique et Zoologique de Tsimbazaza, Ministère de l'Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche Scientifique, Madagascar
This study focuses on the crucial role played be the local community in safeguarding the endemic floristic species within the Kirindy Forest in Morondava, Madagascar, where several tree species face the imminent threat of extinction. Various stakeholders are actively combating deforestation and endeavoring to enhance the protection of unique species such as Dalbergia sp., Commiphora sp., Givotia madagascaraiensis, Cordyla madagascariensis, and Diospyros sp. The primary aim of this research is to evaluate and promote community engagement in the conservation of these distinctive botanical treasures. The methodology involves data collection through surveys and interviews with both the local population and managers, focusing on the utilization of these species. Additionally, in-depth interviews and field observations are employed to gather insights into the knowledge, attitudes, and practices of the local community, identifying traditional wisdom and indigenous practices related to biodiversity. The study results encompass a comprehensive assessment of the local populations knowledge and attitudes toward conserving endemic floristic species, proposing solutions for ensuring the sustainability of these species, and exploring traditional practices conducive to preservation. The outcomes will contribute to formulating recommendations for tailored awareness programs targeted at the local community. Furthermore, the study will underscore the implications and commitments of the local population in the conservation and protection of the floristic biodiversity of the Kirindy Forest, emphasizing the development of sustainable strategies for safeguarding their natural heritage.