Scientific Area
Abstract Detail
Nº613/2171 - Advances in the systematics of genus Ternstroemia Mutis ex L.f. (Pentaphylacaceae s.l.): Towards a taxonomic monograph
Format: ORAL
Jos R. Grande A.1
1 Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Granada, Granada, Spain
Ternstroemia Mutis ex L.f. has been, until recently, a poorly known genus from tropics and subtropics of America, Africa, Australia, and Southern Asia, with one species reaching Korean peninsula and Japan. In the last years a wealth of contributions spanning from classic taxonomy and biogeography to phylogenetic systematics have shown the existence of two main clades. As a product of a revision of literature and a new combined analysis, including DNA, morphology, and anatomy, major transitions within the genus can be traced along with morphologic shifts in flowers, related with pollination syndrome, and for the most part following a geographic structure. As a consequence of the new, updated phylogeny, the Asian genus Anneslea Wall. is transferred to Ternstroemia, resulting in an expanded circumscription where tribe Ternstroemieae becomes monogeneric. Six monophyletic clades can be distinguished, with type species (Ternstroemia meridionalis Mutis ex L.f.) embedded within a pantropical super-clade, still to be solved. Pistil morphology, especially in the stigmas are correlated with corolla, stamen, calyx and bracteole morphology, and all of them to certain anatomic features in leaves. After the present revision Ternstroemia Mutis ex L.f. is a genus with ca. 141 species, 87103 of which are present in the Neotropics, ca. 49 in Asia (or its adjacent islands, including Papuasia), and 4 in Africa. A taxonomic overview of the genus is presented, including major areas of distribution and endemism, number of species per country, and species complexes. Future venues for systematic research in the genus are suggested, and a provisional species list is offered.