Abstract Detail

Nº613/2186 - Exploring the Diversification of Araucariaceae with Targeted Capture Data
Format: ORAL
Lorena Endara 1 Gordon Burleigh 2
1. Clemson University, Clemson, USA 2. University of Florida, Gainesville, USA
The gymnosperm family Araucariaceae consists of 27 extant species organized in three genera: Araucaria, Agathis, and the monospecific Wollemia. The extant Araucariaceae are confined to the southern hemisphere, although there is evidence of their presence in the northern hemisphere during the Mesozoic. The rich fossil record of this family, combined with the distribution patterns of its extant species makes the Araucariaceae an ideal system to explore evolutionary hypotheses about the diversification and biogeography of the Indo-Pacific region. We generated a large nuclear dataset from 126 Araucariaceae samples using targeted enrichment with the GoFlag 408 flagellate land plant probe set. These data help elucidate species boundaries and resolve phylogenetic relationships among taxa. We dated the tree and described the geographic patterns of diversification, focusing on the putative radiation in New Caledonia.