
Monday 22nd july 17.00 - 19.00 h. Location: Room

Symposia Session 3


Maximilian Weigend
Michael Simpson
Tim Böhnert
613/564 An updated phylogeny of Boraginales based on the Angiosperms353 probe set: a roadmap for understanding morphological evolution
Vasile, Maria-Anna¹
(1) University of Bonn
613/1857 Unraveling the evolutionary history of Cynoglossinae (Boraginaceae): Insights from molecular dating, biogeography, and diversification patterns
Pourghorban, Zohreh¹
(1) University of Tehran
613/2188 An update on the phylogeny, classification, and biogeography of the popcorn flowers (subtribe Amsinckiinae, Boraginaceae)
Simpson, Michael¹
(1) San Diego State University
613/1545 A systematic analysis of the family Heliotropiaceae Schard. in India based on morphology, anatomy and molecular data
Attullil, Anna Ancy Antony¹
(1) St. Albert's College, Ernakulam
613/560 Evolutionary trends in gynoecium and fruit evolution in Boraginales
Jeiter, Julius¹
(1) Chair of Botany, Faculty of Biology, TUD Dresden University of Technology