
Thursday 25th july 17.00 - 19.00 h. Location: Room

Symposia Session 10


Andrea Berardi
Justen Whittall
Eduardo Narbona
José Carlos del Valle García
613/470 New insights into the impact of non-pollinator agents of selection in flower color over the past ten years
del Valle García, José Carlos¹
(1) University of Seville
613/478 Does allopolyploidy lead to transgressive red pigments in Silene?
Berardi, Andrea¹
(1) Harvard University
613/674 The impacts of global change on floral pigmentation
Koski, Matthew¹
(1) Clemson University
613/1037 Flower colour communities across elevation - a case study on calcareous vs silicious bedrock from the European Alps
Wanke, Svenja¹
(1) Disturbance Ecology, University of Bayreuth
613/1812 On colour to rule them all: the evolutionary rise of the betalains
Brockington, Samuel¹
(1) University of Cambridge
613/2021 Identification of TFs controlling pigment synthesis in the endoholoparasite Pilostyles boyacensis and its host Dalea cuatrecasasii
Elejalde-Baena, Estefania¹
(1) University of Antioquia