
Friday 26th july 17.00 - 19.00 h. Location: Room

Symposia Session 13


Manuel Becana
613/552 Dynamics of microbial communities associated with Pisum spp. (Fabaceae) across plant growth stages and microhabitats
Victor, ANGOT¹
(1) UMR Agroécologie, Université de Bourgogne INRAE
613/312 Whole-soil microbial communities from shaded coffee plantations and montane forest fragments offer similar benefits to coffee and
Pizano, Camila¹
(1) Lake Forest College
613/1277 Effects of cross inoculation of phyllosphere microbes from Nepenthes on the absorption of foliar-applied Zn in sunflower
Li, Cui¹
(1) Northwestern Polytechnical University
613/1464 The use of compost improves biodiversity in the bacterial community of the rhizosphere of tomato plants
Nigris, Sebastiano¹
(1) University of Padova
613/2002 Halocnemum strobilaceum as new source of potentially plant growth promoting endophytic bacteria
Romano Rodríguez, Elena¹
(1) Universidad de Sevilla
613/1888 Defining a forest by the fungi: "mycorrhizal spillover" effects on nutrient cycles, soil microbiomes, and plant community dynamics
Blackwood, Christopher¹
(1) Michigan State University