ID: 613 / 109

Category: Symposia

Track: Pending


Abstract: The interaction between plants and insects, starting in the Devonian, has constantly been evolving for the last 420 million years. What likely began as herbivory and one-way benefit has often evolved into complex mutualistic relationships. The manifold plant-insect interactions evident at present comprise, among others, the concepts of pollination, dispersal, protection, fertilization, nest location, and food resource. For this symposium, we welcome contributions focusing on any of the numerous aspects of plant-insect interactions as recorded from the fossil record.

Speaker 1: Torsten Wappler, Professor, Hessisches Landesmuseum Darmstadt, Friedenplatz 1, 64283 Darmstadt, Germany. Email: Tentative talk title: Leaf-insect interactions through time and their paleoecological signals.

Speaker 2: Christian Geier, PhD student, University of Vienna, Department of Botany and Biodiversity Research, Rennweg 14, 1030, Vienna, Austria. Email: Tentative talk title: Eocene and Oligocene flower visitation of European Diptera and their potential pollinator role.

Speaker 3: Friðgeir Grímsson, Senior Scientist, University of Vienna, Department of Botany and Biodiversity Research, Rennweg 14, 1030, Vienna, Austria. Email: Tentative talk title: Paleogene Hymenopteran pollinators and their preferred angiosperms.

Topics (Up to three): Paleobotany / Archaeobotany

Topic 2: Plant, Animal, and Microbe Interactions

Topic 3: Palynology

Justification: The presentations meant for this symposium will, among others, deal with past ecosystems, fossil plants and insect, in situ and adhered pollen, insect traces on leaves, extant comparison material, and evolution through time and space. Therefore, this symposium will bridge 5 of the Proposed Topics; Nr. 3 (Biogeography / Phylogeography), Nr. 10 (Ecology and Plant Communities), Nr. 20 (Paleobotany /Archaeobotany), Nr. 24 (Plant, Animal. and Microbe Interactions), and Nr. 26 (Palynology). In addition, the nationality of the 7 speakers that have so far shown interest in presenting their work at our symposium covers 7 countries, including Austria, France, Germany, Iceland, Italy, Spain, and USA. The speakers are at different career stages, ranging from PhD student to professor.