Tree species composition of two kerangas forest in southern part of Sarawak, Malaysia

ID: 613 / 295

Category: Abstract

Track: Pending

Proposed Symposium Title: Tree species composition of two kerangas forest in southern part of Sarawak, Malaysia


Nur Safinas Binti JELANI1, Meekiong KALU2, Yahud Bin WAT1, Yazid Bin KALBI1, Halipah Binti BUJANG1, Mohizah Binti MOHAMAD1, Noorhana Binti MOHD SAPAWI1, Stafannie Nilla Anak MARSHALL RIO1, Dami Anak JUDE1, Michiko NAKAGAWA3

Affiliations: 1 Research and Development Division, Forest Department Sarawak, Sarawak, Malaysia 2 Faculty of Resource Science and Technology, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, Sarawak, Malaysia 3 Graduate School of Bio-Agricultural Sciences, Nagoya University, Aichi, Japan


Heath forest, also known as kerangas, is one of the forest types in Borneo and is described as having very poor, acidic soils that are typically podsolic and composed of course, white sand covering, to different depths, a thick, hard, severely acidic pan. The diversity of tree species in Sarawak's heath forest is a subject of ongoing research; however, comparisons between the sites are rarely made. This study evaluates the tree species in two heath forests in southern Sarawak, namely, Samunsam Wildlife Sanctuary (SWS), and Kelingkang Forest Reserve (KFR). A 1-hectare plot with 100 10 m × 10 m quadrats was established. The total basal area of both sites, which consisted of 1,251 trees with a diameter of at least 10 cm, was calculated to be 26.78 m2ha-1 for SWS and 14.08 m2ha-1 for KFR, respectively. With a mean diameter for trees at both sites of about 18.00 cm, Dipterocarpaceae predominated as the highest group. In the kerangas forest, KFR and SWS shared species such as Whiteodendron moultonianum and Hopea kerangasensis.  Endemic species like Dryobalanops fusca and Vatica adenanii were identified during this plot assessment. Despite the poor soil qualities, it is crucial to conserve the kerangas themselves; hence, more species need to be studied. 



: 55, 20, 37

: Samunsam Wildlife Sanctuary, Kelingkang Forest Reserve and Kerangas forest