Some Endemic Plant Taxa Growing in Cungus District of Diyarbakir Province in Turkey

ID: 613 / 376

Category: Abstract

Track: Pending

Proposed Symposium Title: Some Endemic Plant Taxa Growing in Cungus District of Diyarbakir Province in Turkey


A. Dogan Karahan1, Mehmet Basbag2

Affiliations: 1. Dicle University Institute of Science and Technology, Diyarbakir, Turkey 2. Dicle University Faculty of Agriculture Department of Field Crops, Diyarbakir, Turkey


This study was conducted in four different directions of Savrucak Mountain in Çungus District of Diyarbakir Province in 2021 and 2022.

In the research, a total of 12 taxa belonging to 7 families were found as endemic, all of these taxa are perennial and are in the invasive group in terms of meadow-pasture forage plants. Among the families, the Astracea family (Gundelia cappadocica,  Helichrysum arenarium subsp. aucheri, Tanacetum cadmeum subsp. orientale, Tanacetum densum subsp. cadmeum, Achillea pseudoaleppica) had the highest number of taxa, followed by Boraginaceae (Alkanna megacarpa, Paracaryum cristatum subsp. cristatum), Araceae (Arum rupicola var. rupicola), Brassicaceae (Isatis aucheri), Lamiaceae (Phlomis linearis), Liliaceae (Tulipa sintenisii) and Plantaginaceae families (Linaria genistifolia subsp. praealta), respectively.

When we examine endemic taxa according to their botanical compositions; Helichrysum arenarium subsp. aucheri 15.26% in the east direction, 8.81% in the south direction, 2.46% in the west direction and 1.59% in the north direction; Phlomis linearis 1.91% in the west, 0.64% in the south, 0.62% in the east and 0.40% in the north; Gundelia cappadocica 0.96% in the south and 0.16% in the east; Tanacetum cadmeum subsp. orientale is 4.05% in the east and 0.55% in the west; Tanacetum densum subsp. cadmeum 2.34% in the eastern direction; Tulipa sintenisii 0.96% in the south; Linaria genistifolia subsp. praealta was detected at a rate of 0.16% in the eastern direction.

As a result, in order for these endemic taxa to continue their generation, it is extremely important to protect them both in-situ and in gene banks (ex-situ).

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: Diyarbakir, Çungus, endemic taxon, botanical composition