Scientific Area
Abstract Detail
Nº613/1226 - Reconstructing the ecological and evolutionary assembly of the Alpine Flora
Format: ORAL
Sbastien Lavergne1, the PhyloAlps consortium
1 Laboratoire d'Ecologie Alpine, CNRS – Université Grenoble Alpes - Université Savoie Mont-Blanc
2 Swiss Federal Research Institute, Jardin du Lautaret, Genoscope-Evry, Conservatoire Botanique National Alpin, Conservatoire Botanique National Méditerranéen, Parc National des Ecrins, Parc National de la Vanoise, Parc National du Mercantour, Info-Flora, Institute of Biological Research Cluj-Napoca, Botanic Garden - Babe?-Bolyai University, Charles University, Institute of Botany Krakow, Institute of Botany Bratislava, Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Evolution et Diversité Biologique Toulouse, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Universität Wien, Universität Innsbruck, Università di Pisa, British National Museum
Biodiversity genomics is an emerging field that leverages advanced sequencing technologies to analyze the genetic makeup of entire species assemblages in order to gain insights into their evolutionary history, adaptation, and ecological roles. I will present the PhyloAlps project, which has now been running for over 10 years, and consisted in sampling and sequencing all vascular plant species of the Alps, a biodiversity hotspot harboring 20% of the European flora. This initiative has now expanded onto the flora of the arctic realm and other mountain ranges through the work of companion projects, thus providing an ever-growing, unique genomic resource aiming toward a comprehensive genomic characterization of the arctic-alpine flora. I will finally present some use of these data to study the phylodynamics of alpine plant clades, the delimitation of novel species and the metabarcoding of sediment-cores time-series.