Abstract Detail

Nº613/1249 - Bryo-ecological patterns in Mediterranean temporary ponds: a highly sensitive proxy for habitat monitoring
Format: ORAL
Silvia Poponessi1, Daniela Gigante 2, Annalena Cogoni1
1Department of Environmental and Life Science, Botany section, University of Cagliari, Cagliari (Italy); 2Department of Agricultural, Environmental, and Food Science, University of Perugia, Perugia (Italy).
This study contributes to the knowledge and understanding of Annex I priority habitat 3170*, where bryophytes play an essential role in the ecological patterns and are a significant indicator, especially concerning habitat monitoring, assessment and management. In this paper, we analyze the bryological component of Mediterranean temporary ponds in two different areas in the Mediterranean Biogeographic Region, such as the Pauli of Giara di Gesturi in Sardinia (a Mediterranean island), and the Piana di Ferretto in Umbria (inland Central Italy), comparing the rate of bryophytes occurrence. The detected species are described in terms of their functional characteristics using Ellenberg values adapted for bryophytes. More specifically, the following parameters are considered: life strategy, life macroform, light and moisture preferences, chorological elements and humidity Belt. We focused on the distribution of bryophytes along concentric areas of the pools according to their humidity gradient. On this ground, the bryological flora of the studied Mediterranean temporary ponds was characterized from an ecological point of view. To account for ecological variability, data from the two areas were compared. Temporary Mediterranean ponds represent vulnerable niches where climate change is exerting its influence. The approach used in this study could be extended to comparable Mediterranean habitats, focusing on bryological ecology as an effective proxy for habitat monitoring under a scenario of unpredictable climate change.