Scientific Area
Abstract Detail
Nº613/1567 - The vision of plant conservation in Europe along the strategies and recommendations
Format: ORAL
Erika P. Knya
Department of Botany and Plant Physiology ,Eszterházy Kátoly Catholic University, Eger, Hungary
In last decades it became clear that urgent activities are needed in plant conservation . The area and connectivity of habitats and species will be very important to analyse the direction and intensity of threats of rare species. Although there are new strategies for protecting native species, the scale of the drivers of extinction can be variable and in several cases we dont know the small scale drivers of the life history traits of plant species. Sometimes new ways are needed for checking the feature of species selected for revision and recommendations for example according to the new, accepted strategic plan of Bern Convention between 2023 and 2030. A review and a survey can help member states and experts to analyze the real processes and in characterizing the state of plant species living in Pan-European areas. Different scale has been used and a general, good working conservation methodology have been elaborated together with organisations. The target of making the strategic plan more objective is the multiscale revision of plant species in Annex I. The first step is to determine the main risks in distribution and life history of the species which can be asked through a questionnaire tool. The mutualistic features, seed ecology and the life span also very important factors of protection and restoration success. In connection with the sustainable use of plant species we must take into accunt the annual or short lived species and their population stability through their interactions in natural habitats.