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Abstract Detail
Nº613/1727 - Genetic bases of the flower color variation in a natural hybrid zone
Format: ORAL
Pascaline Salvado, Valrie Hinoux-Delome, Joris Bertrand
Laboratoire Génome et Développement des Plantes, Université de Perpignan Via Domitia, Perpignan, FRANCE
The Angiosperm radiation can be characterized by its outstanding flower color diversity, spanning the entire color spectrum of human and pollinator vision. Moreover, flower color is an evolutionary labile trait which can differ between sister species, among populations or even among individuals at different life-stages. InPedicularis comosa, two subspecies/morphs display distinct flower color,Pedicularis comosacomosahas yellow flowers whilePedicularis comosaasparagoideshas pink flowers. In order to better understand this species taxonomy, to get an overview of the overall genetic diversity and differentiation, and to unravel the possible evolutionary origins and genetic bases behind both morphotypes, we applied a population genomic approach. The phylogenetic tree provided us keys to settle an old debate onPedicularis comosas classification, supporting that the two subspecies are not reciprocally monophyletic, and that genetic structure is rather consistent with geography. Cline analyses and genetic structure results revealed the existence of a hybrid zone between the two morphotypes, suggesting a strong selection on certain parts of the genome, therefore maintaining differences betweenP.c. asparagoidesandP.c. comosa. Finally, the investigation of potential outlier SNPs associated with genetic structure as well as phenotypic and environmental data allowed us to find genes involved in color differentiation but also in light and cold stresses adaptation. To uncover the subtle color differentiation from pink to yellow, we applied comparative transcriptomic and metabolomic approaches. All together, these results provided us key information to draw recommendations for the conservation of this species as a whole.