Scientific Area
Abstract Detail
Nº613/2061 - Facing the ecological complexity of Mediterranean temporary ponds for tailor-made restoration, conservation and management action
Format: ORAL
Cuccaro V.C.,La Montagna D., Cambria V.E., Fanelli G.
Department of Environmental Biology, Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy
Mediterranean temporary ponds (3170*) are peculiar habitat types particularly rich in plant species but regularly reported in Europe with an unfavourable conservation status. They are usually heterogeneous, shallow, and small water bodies which dry entirely in summer. Alternation of the flooding period strongly influences the floristic composition, mainly belonging to the plant community Isoeto-Nanojuncetea (=Isoeto durieui-Juncetea bufonii). Besides climate alteration, inappropriate water and landscape management, pollution and trampling, habitat misinterpretation rapresents another threatening issue for the habitat, often underestimated. An interdisciplinary study has investigated two clusters of Mediterranean temporary ponds embedded in the Natura 2000 sites of Bosco di Palo Laziale and Bosco di Foglino (Lazio Region, Italy). Field data collection on plant communities, geo-chemical soil properties, micro-topographic characteristics and climate proxies was implemented to identify the habitats ecological patterns, processes and interdependencies. Clustering analysis and data post-processing allowed to discriminate vegetation types and sub-types of surveyed coenoses as well as to determine the most significant ecological predictors of the habitat. This study has proved to be valid in addressing plant assemblage complexity. Its cost-effective and easy-to-use approaches can be successfully applyed elsewhere to facilitate the restoration, conservation and management of this and similar ecosystems.