
Meeting in Madrid on Saturday, July 27, 2024, after the votes of the participants of the XX International Botanical Congress, the following awards are agreed upon:

Student poster award

Sponsored by: PeerJ

Awarded to: Sarath Paremmal

Title: Geneflow and genetic divergence in insular populations: a case study from Andaman and Nicobar archipelago

Country: India

Award: Free publication in PeerJ

Student poster award

Sponsored by: PeerJ

Awarded to: Iván Pérez-Lorenzo

Title: Art as an exploratory tool of science: A synergy between Botany and Creative Expression

Country: Spain

Award: Free publication in PeerJ

Student talk award

Sponsored by: PeerJ

Awarded to: Diana Cruz-Tejada

Title: The seed germination spectrum of Mediterranean plants

Country: Italy

Award: Free publication in PeerJ

Student talk award

Sponsored by: PeerJ

Awarded to: Cheng-Wei Chen

Title: Haplopteris yakushimensis, a new model for fern independent gametophyte

Country: Taiwan

Award: Free publication in PeerJ

Early career researcher talk award on taxonomy or systematics

Sponsored by: Pensoft

Awarded to: Sonia Molino de Miguel

Title: Unlocking Parablechnum from the field to the lab: A Hyb-Seq approach to unravel the global disjunction of a young fern genus

Country: Spain

Award: Free publication in Phytokeys and a Pensoft Book

Student poster award

Sponsored by: New Phytologist

Awarded to: Viola Alessandrini

Title: On the introduction history and plant ecology of the alien Salpichroa origanifolia in Tuscany (Italy)

Country: Italy

Award: 300€

Student poster award

Sponsored by: Real Jardín Botánico (CSIC)

Awarded to: Luana de Souza Prochazka

Title: Extrafloral nectary evolution is associated with leaf traits and water availability

Country: Brasil

Award: 600€

Student talk award

Sponsored by: Real Jardín Botánico (CSIC)

Awarded to: Farahnoz Khojayori

Title: Development of sexually deceptive petal spots

Country: United Kingdom

Award: 800€

Best student poster award

Sponsored by: XX IBC Congress

Awarded to: Fitiavana Rasaminirina

Title: Diversity and evolution of Cyperaceae in Madagascar with focus on Bulbostylis

Country: Madagascar

Award: 500€

Best student poster award

Sponsored by: XX IBC Congress

Awarded to: Martin Prach

Title: Did European larch (Larix decidua) survive the Holocene in Central Europe? Combining paleoecology and phylogeography

Country: Czech Republic

Award: 500€

Best student talk award

Sponsored by: XX IBC Congress

Awarded to: Pere Miquel Mir Rosselló

Title: Genome size and cell size in mosses: the impact of DNA content on moss anatomy and physiology

Country: Spain

Award: 1.000€

Best student talk award

Sponsored by: XX IBC Congress

Awarded to: Drisya V.V

Title: Autorotating diaspores of flowering plants: an inspiring strategy in wind dispersal

Country: India

Award: 1.000€