Scientific Area
Abstract Detail
Nº613/2770 - The effect of early light and water conditions for the seedlings of chamomille (Matricaria chamomilla L.)
Format: ORAL
Erika Pnzesn Knya
Department of Botany and Plant Physiology Eszterházy Károly Catholic University, Eger, Hungary
It is evident that the environmental conditions during the first weeks of germination has effect for all the life span of several annual plant species. The examined species is chamomille (Matricaria chamomilla L), an important and valuable wild medicinal plant species growing in the plain protected areas of Hungary. Tthis annual medicinal plant is known in connection with the medicinal comounds and the traditional use of it. Our aim with the experiment was to simulate different light conditions and a water flooding which occasionally occur in plain areas after winter or in autumn. The climatic chamber treatment of seeds was divided into the treatents under two different light spectra and colour temperature of LED lights with permanent light expositions of seeds using two different temperatures After the treatment the results show different growing features of the plants comparing with control individuals. The results of the experiments show the adaptability of the species to different light and water conditions of the area. It can help understanding the different productability of the species during the extreme weather conditions of last decades.The research is supported by the support of OTKA143376 application of Hungarian Academy of Sciences.