Scientific Area
Abstract Detail
Nº613/1118 - Aeropalinology, critical analysis of urban trees in cities with contrasting climates in Chile.
Format: ORAL
Gloria I. Rojas
Museo Nacional de Historia Natural, Botanica, Santiago, Chile
The urbanization in Chile has brought the introduction of arboreal species to the inside of the cities, the same species are used in different type of Climate. For this reason it is desired to show that the trees used as ornamental in cities of our country has no relation to the phytogeographic and climatic zone in which they are inserted, and also in the case of Santiago is expected to demonstrate the effects on the health of people. Four cities of Chile are chosen to research it: Antofagasta, Santiago, Concepcin and Valdivia, and from Spain, the city of Barcelona. An analysis of the native arboreal flora is performed and to know the species of the urban trees, the Aeropalinological records of the cities involved are used. The results are subjected to the analysis of the Jaccard similarity index. For the case of Santiago the relationship of the concentration of pollen in the air versus the pollen positive skin tests is given. It is concluded that the trees species of the studied cities are mainly exotic, there is a high degree of homogenization or similarity between the urban tree flora between the cities of Chile and with Barcelona, the species are not related to its bioclimatic area, no native trees are used (if present is a fluke), we do not have original urban landscapes, and tree species in the case of Santiago are directly related to increases in pollen allergies.